2017.08.06. 06:00, Szandi
2. rsz
Sziasztok! :)
Mivel ha a htfi bejegyzs nagyon hossz lett volna, ha egyben rakom fel, gy ht ktfel szedtem, s ma elhoztam nektek a msodik rszt, remlem talltok kztk magatoknak egy j kis olvasmnyt. :)
5. Game of Thrones - a mltn hres sorozatot elszr TV-show formjban kezdtem el, s mivel nagyon megtetszett, gy szpen felpakoltam a szria sszes ktett a vrlistmra.
George R. R. Martin: Trnok harca
A Trnok harca lebilincsel fantasy, amely klasszikus lovagkirlysgot tr az olvas el: Westeros fltt valaha a srknykirlyok uralkodtak, m a Targaryen-dinasztit 15 vvel ezeltt elztk, s most Robert Baratheon uralkodik h bartai, Jon Arryn, majd Eddard Stark segtsgvel. A konfliktus kzppontjban Deres urai, a Starkok llnak. Olyanok, mint a fld, ahol szlettek: makacs, kemny jellem csald. Szemnk eltt hsk, gazemberek s egy gonosz hatalom trtnete elevenedik meg.
m hamar r kell brednnk, hogy ebben a vilgban mgsem egyszeren jk s gonoszok kerlnek szembe egymssal, hanem mesterien brzolt jellemek bontakoznak ki elttnk klnbz vgyakkal, clokkal, flelmekkel s sebekkel.
Martin legnagyobb erssge hogy meg tudja jtani, lettel tlti fel azt a mfajt, amit a sok populris Tolkien-imitci vtizedeken t klisk sorozatba fojtva ismtelgetett. A jg s tz dalnak els ktete egy vilgteremt fantasy eposz nagyszabs feltse.
Chelsea-Monroe Cassel: A Feast of Ice and Fire
Ever wonder what it’s like to attend a feast at Winterfell? Wish you could split a lemon cake with Sansa Stark, scarf down a pork pie with the Night’s Watch, or indulge in honeyfingers with Daenerys Targaryen? George R. R. Martin’s bestselling saga A Song of Ice and Fire and the runaway hit HBO series Game of Thrones are renowned for bringing Westeros’s sights and sounds to vivid life. But one important ingredient has always been missing: the mouthwatering dishes that form the backdrop of this extraordinary world. Now, fresh out of the series that redefined fantasy, comes the cookbook that may just redefine dinner . . . and lunch, and breakfast.
A passion project from superfans and amateur chefs Chelsea Monroe-Cassel and Sariann Lehrer, endorsed by George R. R. Martin himself, A Feast of Ice and Fire lovingly replicates a stunning range of cuisines from across the Seven Kingdoms and beyond. These extensively researched and adapted traditional medieval recipes replicate the dishes featured in the Song of Ice and Fire series. Gorgeously organized and presented in full color, with each recipe being introduced with a passage from the book in which it first appears, as well as a map of the region from which it originates, this is the official, must-have cookbook for fans of A Game of Thrones and its sequels.
These easy-to-follow recipes have been refined for modern cooking techniques, but adventurous eaters can also attempt the authentic medieval meals that inspired them. In all, A Feast of Ice and Fire contains more than 100 recipes, divided by region: The Wall, The North, The South, King's Landing, Dorne and Across The Narrow Sea. So now, even amateur chefs can feast like a Lannister, or grab a meat pie like a Black Brother on the Wall.
George R. R. Martin - Elio M. Garcia Jr. - Linda Antonsson: A tz s jg vilga
Ha a mlt az elsz, akkor George R. R. Martin mestermve – korunk legnagyratrbb s legszrakoztatbb fantasyeposza – r a garancia, hogy szdletes lesz a bevezet; s A Tz s Jg vilgval vgre-valahra ez is megszletett.
E gazdagon illusztrlt kiadvny – amely tbb mint szzhetven eredeti festmnyt vonultat fel – a Ht Kirlysg trtnelmt mutatja be tfogan, izgalmas lersokon t a httert azoknak a heroikus csatknak, keser viszlyoknak s vakmer felkelseknek, melyek A Tz s Jg dala s az HBO ltal megfilmestett Trnok harca esemnyeihez vezettek. A ktetet Martin tbbves egyttmkds keretben ksztette el a kzismert rajongi weboldal, a Westeros.org alaptival, Elio M. Garca Jr.-ral s Linda Antonssonnal – mivel taln egyedl k ismerik olyan behatan ezt a vilgot, mint fantasztikus kpzelervel megldott alkotja.
Ez a knyv sszegyjti a mesterek, septonok, mgusok s dalnokok minden felhalmozott tudst, de elmlkedseiket s a legendkat is. Felleli a Hajnalkortl egszen a Hsk Korig tart idszakot, az Elsk eljveteltl Hdt Aegon rkezsig, a Vastrn megkovcsolstl Robert felkelsig s az rlt Kirly, II. Aerys Targaryen buksig, mellyel kezdett vette a Starkok, Lannisterek, Baratheonok s Targaryenek „jelenkori” kzdelme. George R. R. Martin kprzatos univerzumnak ktelez darabja, a A Tz s Jg vilga annak kes bizonytka, hogy a toll a kardok vihara kzepette is kitartan szntotta a paprt.
Bryan Cogman - George R. R. Martin: Trnok harca - Betekints az HBO sorozat sznfalai mg
A trtnet, amely megreformlt egy mfajt:
„A val vilgban iszonyatos dolgok trtnnek a j emberekkel, mg a senkik gyakran hihetetlen sikereket rnek el. Hogyan lehet az, hogy fantasy vilgokban a j mindig diadalmaskodik, a rossz pedig mindig megbnhdik? Mivel egy olyan trtnetrl van sz, amiben srknyok, jgdmonok s ezsthaj hercegnk szerepelnek, kiss furcsa kijelenteni, hogy George beleltette a high fantasybe a nyers realizmust. Bevezette a szrke rnyalatait ebbe a fekete-fehr univerzumba.” – David Benioff fproducer
6. Teen Wolf - a sorozat ltal megihletett fanfiction knyv formja is felkerlt a vrlistmra, kvncsian vrom, hogy milyen lesz.
Nancy Holden: On Fire
Scott was just a regular guy until one bite changed his life. Now he struggles to understand who he is and what he might become. Is he more wolf than human—or is it the other way around? Whichever it is, it’s not going to be easy. Scott tries to control his urges, but mostly he’s scared that it’s his urges that could end up controlling him.
On Fire is the story of what happens when you to walk the line between what you want and what you can’t help from wanting. Will the bite end up being a gift? Or will it be a curse? And what will it all mean for Scott’s relationship with Allison—the girl he can’t get enough of? Only time will tell if he should embrace his newfound powers, or if he should fear them.
7. Da Vinci's Demons - termszetesen az egyik kedvenc sorozatom is arra sztnztt, hogy olvasmnyokat keressek a tmban.
Jeanne Kalogridis: The Scarlet Contessa
What Philippa Gregory has done for Tudor England, Jeanne Kalogridis does for Renaissance Italy. Her latest irresistible historical novel is about a countess whose passion and willfulness knew no boundsCaterina Sforza
Daughter of the Duke of Milan and wife of the conniving Count Girolamo Riario, Caterina Sforza was the bravest warrior Renaissance Italy ever knew. She ruled her own lands, fought her own battles, and openly took lovers whenever she pleased.
Her remarkable tale is told by her lady-in-waiting, Dea, a woman knowledgeable in reading the „triumph cards,” the predecessor of modern-day Tarot. As Dea tries to unravel the truth about her husband's murder, Caterina single-handedly holds off invaders who would steal her title and lands. However, Dea's reading of the cards reveals that Caterina cannot withstand a third and final invadernone other than Cesare Borgia, son of the corrupt Pope Alexander VI, who has an old score to settle with Caterina. Trapped inside the Fortress at Ravaldino as Borgia's cannons pound the walls, Dea reviews Caterina's scandalous past and struggles to understand their joint destiny, while Caterina valiantly tries to fight off Borgia's unconquerable army.
L.M. Elliot: Da Vinci's Tiger
Young, beautiful, and witty, Ginevra de’ Benci longs to take part in the artistic ferment of Renaissance Florence. But as the daughter of a wealthy family in a society dictated by men, she is trapped in an arranged marriage, expected to limit her creativity to domestic duties. Her poetry reveals her deepest feelings, and she aches to share her work, to meet painters and sculptors mentored by the famed Lorenzo de Medici, and to find love.
When the charismatic Venetian ambassador, Bernardo Bembo, arrives in Florence, he introduces Ginevra to a dazzling circle of patrons, artists, and philosophers—a world of thought and conversation she has yearned for. She is instantly attracted to the handsome newcomer, who admires her mind as well as her beauty. Yet Ginevra remains conflicted about his attentions. Choosing her as his Platonic muse, Bembo commissions a portrait by a young Leonardo da Vinci. Posing for the brilliant painter inspires an intimate connection between them—one Ginevra can only begin to understand. In a rich and enthralling world of exquisite art, elaborate feasts, and exhilarating jousts, she faces many temptations to discover her voice, artistic companionship, and a love that defies categorization. In the end, she and Leonardo are caught up in a dangerous and deadly battle between powerful families.
8. Once Upon A Time - a sorozat alapjn rdott knyvet mr olvastam, viszont nagyon szeretem a filmksztsrl szl kteteket, ezrt amikor meglttam, hogy az OUAT-bl is csinltak ilyet, akkor rgtn tudtam, hogy ezt nekem el kell olvasnom,
Once Upon A Time - Behind The Magic
Adam Horowitz and Edward Kitsis, writers of Lost, have created a modern take on fairy tales with a female lead character, Emma Swan, who has moved to Maine. The show revolves around the adaptation of fairytale characters such as Snow White and Prince Charming who have been brought into the real world with no knowledge of their true identities, due to the Evil Queen.
9. Pretty Little Liars - kvncsi lennk, hogy milyen lehet a knyv, amely alapjn a Pretty Little Liars c. sorozat kszlt.
Sara Shephard: Pretty Little Liars
Mindenkinek van valami szennyese – kivltkpp, ha az illet a gimis Spencer, Aria, Emily s Hanna.
Spencer a nvre fija utn svrog. Aria az angoltanrrl fantzil. Emily a fekete Mayba zg bele. Hanna pedig ocsmny kis trkkk rn jtssza a bombzt.
Ki hinn, hogy ezeknl slyosabb titok is nyomhatja a lelkket? Pedig gy ll a helyzet, mita Alison bartnjknek vratlanul nyoma veszett.
Hogy honnan tudom? Ht onnan, hogy ismerem ket, mint a rossz pnzt. Tudom, mifle gaztetteket kvettek el a mltban, s milyen velejkig romlottak ma. Egyetlen fltve rztt, mocskos kis titkuk sem maradhat rejtve elttem. s most mr eltted sem!